De vreo doua zile, ma tot distrez rasfoind o carte din copilarie – ‘Topsy Turvy World’ – o culegere de limericks publicata de o editura sovietica (don’t ask why, aia gaseam, aia cumparam).

In afara de limericks, volumul contine si un capitol consistent de epitafuri zambarete, dovada limpede a faptului ca Sapantza are rude si prin alte locuri.

Uite cateva dintre ele, for a taste šŸ™‚

Here lies a cannibal who, now and then,
Forgetting the advice of his physician,
Absorbed the deadliest poison known to men
And died of politician.

In the drinking well
Which the plumber built her
Aunt Eliza fell –
We must buy a filter!

Beneath this stone, a lump of clay,
Lies Uncle Peter Dan’els,
Who, early in the month of May,
Took off his winter flannels.

Si – pour la bonne bouche – unul dintre preferatele mele:

Here lies a poor woman who was always tired,
She lived in a house where help wasn’t hired.
Her last words on earth were: „Dear friends, I am going
To where there’s no cooking, or washing, or sewing,
For everything there is exact to my wishes,
For where they don’t eat there’s no washing of dishes.
I’ll be where loud anthems will always be ringing,
But having no voice I’ll be quit of the singing.
Don’t mourn for me now, don’t mourn for me never
I am going to do nothing for ever and ever.



    • Zana Eficientei Reply

      nu? sunt mortale! aia cu matusa si cu filtrul de fantana ….

  1. foarte faine. preferatul meu este cea cu ā€Uncle Peter Danā€™elsā€… mulțumim, dragă zĆ¢nă. o seară frumoasă.

    • Zana Eficientei Reply

      cu placere, de unde vin astea, mai sunt … in episodul urmator šŸ™‚

    • Zana Eficientei Reply

      si daca ne gandim cam pe cand au fost scrise … šŸ™‚

  2. Fee, mi-ai amintit carticelele alea in engleza, pe care mi le cumparau/m acum secole, caci erau singurele care se gaseau – si erau si eftine. Erau pe hirtie destul de uritzica, dar nu erau chiar sinistre si unele erau chiar foarte misto, te si intrebai de ce la ei se poate si la noi nu. Si notele si un mic vocabular (la sfirshit, cred) erau toate in ruseshte si nu intzelegeai nimic, profa mea era incintata ca nu am nici un fel de ajutor si tre sam bat capu’.

    Asa. gata cu intelectualismele bovarice, ia zi tu aici: ce mai e prin gradinutz? Ce mai e NOU?

    • Zana Eficientei Reply

      prin gradinuta, toate bune. postez imediat noutati

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